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Sunday, November 16, 2014

NaNoWriMo Progress -- Past the Halfway Mark

Welcome welcome, to the second half of NaNoWriMo! Ahead, behind, or right on track, there are two weeks left of NaNo.

Some people use the first week energy to rush ahead; some people use the last week deadline to panic them into a spectacular rally, some people follow close-ish to the target line, with some variations day to day. Whatever your pattern is, work with it. (And keep writing! A slump in the middle of the month, as in the middle of the book, is normal. If in doubt, have your main character attacked by demon ravens. Seriously. Or other setting-appropriate attackers using setting-appropriate weapons.)
Current GAME OF NIGHTMARES word count!

GAME OF NIGHTMARES is moving along steadily, right on track past the second half of the novel. Thanks for all the support and enthusiasm on Stacey T. Hunt's first dark-and-twisted-themed standalone novel.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NaNoWriMo -- GAME OF NIGHTMARES Progress Has Begun!

NaNoWriMo has officially begun! You can make Stacey T. Hunt a NaNo Buddy and follow her progress here:

Check the daily word count progress below! Can Stacey T. Hunt reach her goal of 114k words before December 1st?